Adobe Tutorials

Learn Photoshop, Illustrator Easy

Fiber Effect

Using filter and create a great looking fiber effect.

Step 1:
Create a new document.
Now press "D" on your keyboard to reset the foreground and background colors to black and white. Fill your background with black color.

Step 2:
Make a simple design using Lens Flares, go to Filter> Render Lens Flares and apply the following setting:

Now go to Image> Adjustments> Hue/Saturation and apply the following setting:

Step 3:
Go to Filter> Pixelate> Mezzotint and use Short Strokes in drop down menu.

Step 4:
Then go to Filter> Blur> Radial Blur and apply the following setting:
Press Ctrl+F to do that again.


Step 5:
Apply Filter> Distort> Twirl and set the Angle to 110.

Step 6:
Duplicate the Background layer. Then go to Filter> Distort> Twirl and set the Angle to -220.

Set the duplicate layer blending mode to 'Lighten'.

Step 7:
Merge the layers. Go to Image> Adjustments> Hue/Saturation and apply the following setting:

Fiber Effect


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